Thursday, May 19, 2016


Four days without the "blog"? What the hey Gary. Let me explain; between driving/working/driving/working(I think you get the point) exhaustion kind of took over(nucleus of a business). A blog takes commitment just like the mission I'm on, and you have, as followers, have committed to support me. I wish I could put this out there on a more timely basis, as in the beginning, but serving customers always seems to take priority this time of year. That said, my daughter said to me, "you have to take care of you first". This being the 37th year, that is a tough one to revert to. Short story time;
I watched the Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown story Mon. night(check it out). Man, could I relate to her, as far as her controlling demons(hers being much more toxic than mine). She being the "nucleus" of her business(hers being Huge in comparison), drove her deeper and deeper into a, "I just want to be alone and away from all of it". 
I feel that way at times, and alcohol is my venue/ride. It is a destructive, mind altering "legal" drug, and it does NOT do what I designed it to do when I choose to use it. I know(experience). And add to all that, me being a people person, I seem to always have that need to have some kind of an audience to entertain. And being a stay at home kind of a guy, just does not fill that bill either/either/or. Stop whining Gary, and enjoy your freedom from your old demons. Right.
Now to get to that post title meaning. I have given myself a B+(I'm the teacher). Now I have always been a C+ kind of a guy, so at this point in my march, I'm happy. Till we meet again, I bid adieu to you. Sorry, I couldn't resist the humor.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Yup, that's right. I chose to hit the reset button. It has been one hell of a ride for this blog I had created for myself. The first thirty days were filled with scary and hair pulling goals of total zero "nicotine/alcohol". It went by slow, and with agonizing hurdles and challenges (but made it through). The next forty days went by at a much smoother pace. But also included my wanting some sort of pats on the back. Which I figured I could step back (old ways) a few times because I deserved it(entitlement). There, that felt better, right? Wrong. It left me feeling empty, void and a liar. Big Ugh.
I believe everyone wants to follow a hero, a winner in something, a victor. Well I ended up using my readers in the end to my self gratification. Not what I had set out to do in the beginning. Then what happened? I just got lazy, and selfish (I got this) and besides, you can't see me anyways (crash and burn).
So this is my Reset day, and Monday (tomorrow) I stand back up again and brush off the dust (a friend of mine quoted this to me today) (thanks Jeff), to start a new walk (and with our Lords angels on both my sides).
You may stand along the path to cheer me on, or you may choose not to. That is totally your choice to make. I thank you for the past and look to the future once again.
The walk this time should be a little easier, seeing I have cleared a few hurdles already, but must keep my guard up at All times (Satan is all around).
My working alone, still is going to be a very tough, daily hurdle. So I will be Gliding(video) my family more often to be accountable (they love me, and I them).


Damn alcohol. And now a few cigs......update later today. :(

Monday, May 9, 2016


Seventy days....... That is just under a 1/5th of the way through the year. Hope I am not making your year seem like it is flying by(summer's not even here yet). I really believe I can turn this march of mine around. Per se, forward(back sliding sucks). It is a daily training of my mind for the healthier choices. Don't know if you have noticed, but my humor has slacked off a bit(well I call it humor). When Holly comes along WW(just moral support), she can bring the humor back out of me, and I love that. Today, was a break down day for the business(not much humor then), but it was a very good day(back up to speed again). And didn't need any alcohol to celebrate my accomplishment(proud). Instead I made a surprise candle light(alas, the sun was still up) supper for the wife/mom/grandma of the house(excels in all those titles). Now there is a feel good moment. So do I have any stats to share?? Of course.
I still have that inch to pinch(love my snacks)(push mower might help). The Lord has thrown work my way, a Big Thank You. Forget the push lawn mower.
Monetary? Still ahead of the game at $1,567.00. Goal is to raise that next week(slippage). Stay tuned, I'm not giving in! Too much to lose, when I have gained so much. Have a Great day everyone............................

Friday, May 6, 2016


Well, Hello Mr. Blog. Where you been keepin yourself? What? Right here all the time? Where have I been? Oh, I've been working and trying to stay perfect like I set out to do from the beginning. Pretty high bar I set for myself. Still doing great on the cigarette thing, but the alcohol been a tad bit tougher. Still trying to improve on that mentally and physically. Maybe its all the ads about the dangers of smoking "cancer, heart, second hand smoke, early death", socially unacceptable? Yes. Scary stuff thrown out at us from all directions. Now alcohol on the other hand is socially accepted. Its what we're taught, work hard and then relax with a beer/wine/whiskey. Notice I said "a", that's the rub. Single. That is the difficult part.
So back to that perfect part. All I can say is I am trying very hard to be better, but perfect in certain areas are, Ugh. Where is all this leading? Well I have been drinking on three separate occasions. I am not proud about it, but I know it is showing improvement. It's been 67 days, so I have stayed away from the glass more than I thought I ever could. I will continue learning  how to fill the void with other things. I will always be honest on this blog, because I need that truthfulness to me and this blog.
I titled this blog, my free march on. Free is what I am striving for. That's my story and I am sticking to it (Collin Raye, Thats My Story). Only one parenthesis; that's odd. lol. Keep the faith.

Monday, May 2, 2016


Nine Weeks. It's not eternity; but, certainly seems like it to me.
I had to throw this blog out there on another weekly anniversary(couples have all kinds of them, lol). Feeling good and doing projects without cigs. One especially was significant to me; Mowing the lawn today(first mow of 2016) without a cigarette. That has NEVER happened in the past, EVER. And, I didn't have to go searching for that partial pack(and lighter) of cigarettes that usually vibrated off the mower somehow. Or next mowing, chop them up. What a time saver in that alone. :)
Really beginning to like my beef sticks(various flavors) and smoked string cheese lately(new food groups). Great appetite killers.
Tonight I noticed I could pinch an inch around the old middle. Is that a sign to be alarmed? A little more work thrown towards me Lord would help. (Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find) Prayer.
I saved a few bucks over the last few weeks(nine). Umm, $1,507.00. What??? Get Out......
Well, that's all I got for now; See ya in three.....
Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da That's All Folks!
 My first car; '63 Chrysler New Yorker. 
                                     (get it? 63)

Sunday, May 1, 2016


This blog is getting more difficult to write, more so, than the beginning purpose of it. Let me explain this. In the beginning I started a venture which I really didn't believe would last this long(unbeliever in myself). The elimination of cigarettes and alcohol out of my daily diet/routine was a challenge to my "mind over matter" theme I have always preached throughout my life. And to see my writings on this blog of my struggles and walls was actually pretty exciting to me(and you). But the daily struggles are getting so much easier to bypass, and I am having less and less juicy or exciting ups and downs to type about(a better man)(Clint Black). Ugh/Yeah.
It's like getting a new or new/used car. Oh, driving it, showing it off, polishing it. That feel good feeling, just sitting in it. But, time starts to erode on the feel good feeling, and soon its starting to be just a car(transportation venue).
Not to get me wrong, I am soo proud of how far I have come in 62 days and the feeling good part(body health) is continuing daily(stay tuned).
Prayer and Gods strength gives me mind over matter.

Thursday, April 28, 2016


Well so much for that every 2 day blog idea. This is another every third day blog. Whatever...... It works too. Hope this is finding you healthy and smiling(my last blog "remember").
Oh, and I was recently critiqued about my writing style(no names mentioned, to protect the innocent), I'm talking about parenthesis. That I am using too many of them. Well this is my way of separating me from the others(marching to a beat of a different drummer). Ok, move on Gary.
Today I thought I would share some interesting facts about bloggers and followers. In my two months of using this blog as my personal sounding board, I have discovered that it has some stats.
Number of views/followers: 2,758 cool.
From where on this big Earth: 10 countries (USA no. one) cool
Browsers used: Chrome 62%, IPhone browser 20% and more.
Operating systems: Android 42%, Windows 17%, IPhone 16%.
I hope and pray that someone out there is getting a positive feed from what I peck away to. This is for me(selfish), but others may borrow and run free for themselves. Thank You again for reading/listening. Gods speed.

Monday, April 25, 2016


What the heck? Where did the past three days go? Point; I want this blog done every two days, but I miss counted(lazysmazy me). It's ok, I'm ok, you're ok. Ok, movin forward.
Yes, it's a WooHoo day; Today officially marks 2 months since I started this difficult(cleaning/renewing process)walk. And I feel great(health wise) and blessed(support wise).
As you know, it was not a perfect walk so far(0 cigarettes 100%)(alcohol 95.4% success). Improvements in one area needs to be addressed at the next behavioral meeting(mental note)(post it note too). Just an imperfect/sinful man walking through an imperfect/sinful world. Sigh and pray.
There have been noticeable improvements in my normal routines though. Like, no longer opening the window vent for smoking exhaust(cigs). Or reaching towards my shirt pocket(cigs). Or craving that after meal cigarette. Feeling stronger every day (Chicago).
Updates to date: Sleeping? not a problem, in fact, can easily sneak in two day naps if needed(key word sneak).
Eating? added a couple new items to the food group, Malt O Meal hot cereal and Super sugar crisp cereal. #yum #dessert
Weight? Steady as she goes(not breaking any scales to date).
Monetary? This one took a slight hit after last week, but still had a positive amount to add on. $1,351.00.
Hope this finds All with smiles to give.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Houston we have a problem. Short detour ahead. A little bump in the road.
Ya, there's a meaning to the statements above. The night of the fifty first day, I dropped the ball and drank some alcohol. And I beat myself up pretty much the whole next day(not happy). So getting back on board with this blog took some serious thought. I could have continued on without anyone knowing a thing(except for a few), but that would have been lying by omission, couldn't do that.
Football teams sometimes have a perfect season of 14-0, and then drop the 15th game. They don't quit, they keep the vision ahead and continue on.
A bull rider gets thrown off in 5 seconds, he doesn't quit. He gets back on and tries again and again.
One day a person on a diet grabs the quart of ice cream from the freezer, and continues till the spoon scrapes the bottom of the carton. Not happy with themselves now, but, resolves to put this behind them, and continues on.
I am not going to quit the quitting. Because what I have accomplished so far has given me better health and happiness. Who would, in their right mind, revert from this?
Focused and On Board Again. Thanks again for listening. ;)

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Back on track(blog schedule).
Yesterday was Monday, and also 49 days, and also 7 weeks. Which all means, time to dance and shout. Seven full weeks of focused, determined, and supported walk through this cleansing mission I set forth the beginning of March. I am more energetic and healthier, I can feel it. Booh-yah(five different spellings of this, lol).
Updates to date; Sleeping? I'm starting to let the sun get up before me. Don't know if that qualifies as a positive progression. Might have to start tweaking that one(nice though).
Eating? Pretty much holding steady on this one(snack,eat,snack,eat,and Twix and Coffee).
Weight? Still not tipping the scale at 275#. Probably not going to happen(100# less).
Monetary savings? $1,234.00 give or take a $1. And of course this figure does not reflect the Twix purchases. This is livable.
 Today is nifty fifty. Not quite as exciting as yesterday(just one more day), but it has to be counted.
Gonna shut her down for now, gotta beat the sun up this time. Four bells should do it. Keepin the Faith, you too, ok?

Monday, April 18, 2016


Don't ask me; All I know is this writing was suppose to be on the Editors desk last night for proof reading, and it never showed. So of course it didn't get published in time. There's going to be a shake down in the writers department before the day is done; I can assure you this. They of course will probably blame rewrite. What to do? what to do?
As you probably can tell by now, I'm the writer, the rewrite, and the Editor. And a pretty damn good blame shifter. #myfault.
Our tax preparer(Holly) was commandeering(using big words,13 letters) the blog computer last evening, reading instructions, printing, and filling spaces. I learned what the true meaning of the sign (Do Not Disturb) means.
Now about me(of course). I must say the last couple of days of super warm weather(we patiently waited for, haha) has given way to a lot of outdoor projects. And my elimination of cigs and whiskey(my drink of choice) found me doing projects I would have abnormally put off, or in those days, not do at all(if it ain't broke, don't fix it). That's a wow right there(patting my back right now). Yup, seeing good differences daily(encouraging myself). Don't miss God's blessings this week, they're there.

Friday, April 15, 2016


48 hours have past since I put my last words down on paper(not really paper). And the difference from then to now, is the weather change. When the first warm days of the spring first appear, I begin to feel anxious (earnestly desirous) to go and have some drinks and sit on the picnic table, enjoying laughs and sun(might miss something). This afternoon during my commute home, it was very difficult to keep going towards home. It was like my insides were turning inside out. I made it home(phew). So I didn't have to lie to me, God, or you(blog net). 
But I miss having fun(type A personality)(all work and no play makes me a dull boy). So maybe cabin fever fits me better(home fail safe), I don't know. 
So, this sounds like, and looks like Gary is having a pity party.
I am seriously glad I'm home in the long run. An extra prayer for me the next few sunny days would be greatly appreciated :)
Love all you readers out there. There's power in numbers, Right?  Battling daily.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


So how does the mind click? Well I learned it's pretty damn up to speed. Yesterday I went to return an item(grocery store) and after we went through the usual who, what, and when(oh, can't forget the where). She opened the till and handed me $7.41. My mind immediately thought, that's enough for a pack of cigarettes. What the? Noo. I moved on from that little bump in the road.
Also in the same store, I passed a young mother with three, rather busy kids. I could tell she was at that overwhelmed level. I picked up what I was after and went by them again(by the wine section). I jokingly said, kind a like the commercial on TV where the mom grabs up a bottle of wine quick. She concurred totally and rolled her eyes. Totally remember the shopping thing with our four beautiful children. It always was a happy and new adventure. lol. Why this last story? Because sharing humor(clean) soothes the heart and mind. Also, I need to put myself around alcohol and move on/away(strengthening my resilience). P.S. I lost at Scrabble tonight. #devastating/hurting

Monday, April 11, 2016


Geez, I just get done bragging about my growing more brain cells instead of killing them, and then I remember(surely age thing) what I was going to mention on the fortieth day. This past Saturday(forty days) I thought about Noah and his family waiting out the rain for forty days and nights. I can attest that the duration is along time. Maybe for them more so than me, I knew when forty days would be, they had no clue how long they would wait(real tough for someone like me)(type A).
Pretty excited(doin a dance excited), this marks the Sixth Week of Free and Clean(pinch me). I owe some of this new walk I began, to my nephew(Tim) and his wife(Lisa). Had they not decided to quit smoking October 2015, I'm pretty sure I would still be caught in that nicotine crutch to this day. A big woo hoo goes out to them for convicting me, and they didn't even know the effect they had on me(domino affect a good thing).
How's it going for me? I have to say, I kinda like me better(more humorous/and agreeable).
Sleeping till 6 am is so much more tolerable.
Eating? Time to eat yet? Got any snacks? Should I get some groceries? I think you get the picture on that one.................
Monetary savings? Cigarettes and alcohol $1,096............... (sorry I was staring at that figure for a moment).
Seeing that last one? I think I'll "Keep Pushin" (REO Speedwagon), keep pushin on. On that note(jk) I'm hitten the hay(mattress).

Saturday, April 9, 2016


Should have started this blog sooner but we were watching a movie, and I don't multi task(one thing at a time).
I have been doing some alcohol and smoking research lately(to cold to be outside). And have discovered that quitting Cold Turkey has the highest success rate, but, one size does not fit all. It worked/working for me, and that's all that matters(don't mean to sound selfish). I wish I could help so many people in their personal fights and battles, but, if I have helped just one from this blog, then its been pretty cool.
I weighed me the other day, I'm up about five pounds. Not freaking out on that change yet(ten I may)(buying new clothes cost $$).
My brain circuitry is messing up tonight, can't seem to pull anything up from the hard drive. Which is strange because with my new fresh and clean walk, my brain should be upgrading daily. I'll do some research on that next. NIGHT.


Thursday, April 7, 2016


Ha, and you thought I was going to forget to come back. I may be a little old, but, I am producing new memory cells as I type/you read. So I have more then enough for me to remember this blog and your support(blessed).
I have been getting a little anxious inside(body/house) lately with this unforgiving winter season holding on. I just want to get back out there and service the customers(March was super). It gives me affirmation and keeps me busy. Something sitting around this house doesn't. That's when the thoughts of the old habits seem to surface more often. And eating/snacking is getting ridiculous. Not that I am gaining that much weight, but I am getting really tired of that full feeling all the time. Ugh. (Smoking would alleviate that feeling)(just saying).
But I have kept those vices in check(the Lord promised not to give me more then I can handle(temptation)(1 Corinthians 10:13)(trust and faith). Looks like I'm getting a little/lot parenthesis happy tonight. Just trying to help you understand where I'm going sometimes(outside the box). With that, its time to say adios for now. Happy trails to you, until we meet again(song).

Tuesday, April 5, 2016


Ya, I know, what the heck happened on the thirty-fifth day? Lets just say I got lazy again. Not against my battle(winning).Am I eating too much and loosing energy for my blog? Don't think so. I think I am getting addicted to board games though, which is a good thing for sure(not so bad of an addiction I'd say). I have discovered Twix candy bars are my new cookie in a wrapper(tasty treat).
Today(thirty-sixth) was a good day, even the sun appeared. We went to vote and I have to admit that being under some kind of influence(alcohol) would have made my voting choice a whole less painful(ridiculous choices). Sorry, my opinion of course.
I thinking about doing this blog every two days. I know I have great support out there everyday, and touching base with these keys every other day will be fine. I am not taking this blog lightly, it is very important to me. I have the old thoughts pop up in my head occasionally, and the retraining of the mind goes on, and on. Please keep the faith and stay encouraged.

Sunday, April 3, 2016


Sunday, so off to church we went, to give thanks and praise. Had our sister in law and nephew visit for a great meal at our place(roast beef, mashed tators, and gravy). Then we played a game of Tri-Ominos and 2 games of Scrabble and of course its not all about the winning, as long as you had fun(winning has a lot to do with the second part though). I nailed the Scrabble, must have been the alcohol free brain cells(bragging, I know).
Being a Sunday(day of rest) I probably will cut this blog short, seeing I all ready taxed my brain cells earlier. Also, this way you can hit the hay early too. Hope this finds you encouraged and strong. Keep swinging the bat. GN

Saturday, April 2, 2016


On this abnormally cold April day(all day snow showers), it was very welcomed not having to go out in the garage and smoke while shivering. Also, watching movies there is a lot less hitting the pause button while I go out there to grab a puff. I am trying to focus on as many pluses, no matter how menial they are, to succeed.
I started a fire in the fireplace(good thing we have a fireplace,lol) tonight, and a little smoke always escapes into the house(part of the warmth). The smell seems to be more over whelming than I remember before. So tolerating smoke of any kind is a little more difficult(I think a good thing).
I thought I would tell you that there is liquor around here too, and that I don't even notice them. But, if I do, I just remind myself that it is not for me, and just go on.
I watched the movie "A Walk Among Tombstones" with Liam Neeson (very good). There were excerpts throughout, about him going to AA meetings(powerful). 
Well, it's getting really late for my bedtime. What? Unbelievable..... Hmm.

Friday, April 1, 2016


It's here. What you ask? The month(April) that follows the long month of March(31 d a y s). I was looking forward to a shorter month, and here it is.
Soo, along with a new month, comes(you may have noticed) a new look for the blog(gotta keep things fresh).
Ok, lets get right to it. The other day I was thinking about what my past mornings were like and what it consisted of. First I would slowly get out of bed, and start thinking what I had scheduled(customers) for the day(memory default). Then get to the bathroom and grab 3to4 aspirins(headache), get dressed, stop at the kitchen and fill large coffee to go cup and run out the door(usually late)(honest speaking, probably shouldn't been behind the wheel)(Dumb). Work all day with very little, if any, to eat. So glad to be finished for the day(tired), but not to tired for a reward at a bar. What a vicious circle it was(and that probably wasn't the half of it). ugh.
Soo glad where I'm at, and glad you're here to listen. Thanks a ton, means a lot to me. 

Thursday, March 31, 2016


First I must apologize for the font color choice on day thirty, it was very hard to read(this one pops better). Tomorrow is a new month/second month of my tour(excited). And there will be a new change for April(oh, also my daughters birthday too). The new change is a secret(don't lose any sleep waiting though), stay tuned for developing coverage.
So did you see me today? I was the one that drove past the bar on my way home(tough act). Felt good though, further down the road.
Today we were visited by our closest friend/neighbor/card playing opponent/sewing customer, and today she brought the rays of the sun with her too. For it was cold, cloudy, and rainy/snowy all day. Thanks, your cool Sara ;)
Holy Cow, I think he's gonna make it..... day by day

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


It was a good day. I stopped at my usual Shell station for fuel and, and,(no I did not buy the habit). I did share with Rick(manager) my new life without cigarettes, and he was very supportive. You see, I asked him a couple of years ago if he could get my usual brand in, and he obliged. Now I won't be buying them with my fuel purchase(money saver).
Now for a serious chat(something off my chest). I would like to set the record straight for a few out there who question my new cleaner life style. Sometimes while sharing, I get the immediate response of, "what happened, or what did you do to bring you to this point?" Rest assured, nothing happened. I just grew up a ton. So there is no juicy or gossip rich story out there, just me.
So lets just revel in the joy and the success I can bring to you each day, and I pray it helps you too. Enjoy your evening/day wherever you are. God's speed.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Up at 5 bells, one large coffee to go(26 cents), out the door at half past 5 bells(its still dark out at that time)(moonshine). Kind a wonder if I will ever be late this year(this is not me). How the hell did I do some of this stuff with the hangover mornings???
Also been thinking about starting a petition to have convenience stores move the cigarettes to the store room. They're always staring at me when I pay for my fuel. Its like they're snickering and whispering, he's going to buy me, ya he will. UGH. Nope and Nope.                                                       Well, up early; to bed early. Oh my, what is happening?
Categorizing this blog under; shortening the short.
 Keep the faith folks, I am.

Monday, March 28, 2016


Twenty eight days? that's like four weeks, like one month, like one-twelfth of a year. Holy cow, pinch me. I still think of a smoke now and then, but it doesn't last but a half a minute. Now I catch my mind thinking, why can other people stop at the bar and I don't(my mind is trying to rationalize my decision). What could it hurt? Just one. Who would know? I would know, my Lord and his watchful angels would know, and you would know, because I couldn't lie to you. I immediately think about my accomplishment and my positive self, and extinguish the Devils attempt to make me fail.
It is time to update after 28 days:
-Snacks and eating are slowing, my weight, not much change there(sorry, guess I'm not going to blimp up).
-Monetary; A whopping $702.00. But of course that is without subtracting more snacks then usual.
-Sleeping; I am actually able to sleep through the whole evening, and don't get up at 3or4 am anymore. (welcomed change)
I'm starting to feel that I'm part of a drug companies research study. The difference is I'm not getting paid for it. But, I guess I am, with the daily/weekly/monthly savings. BooYah.
Stay safe all, see you soon, promise.  ;^)


Sunday, March 27, 2016


Hard to believe its an Easter with just coffee, soda and milk. Highly irregular for this guy, but I must say pretty cool. This blog is going to be really short, for a couple of reasons. One, I
 am visiting family, celebrating my Saviors victory for me. And second, we just finished a big meal and I haven't had my afternoon nap yet(Sunday the day of rest)(and ya, it is all about that nap). Thank you for being patient for this blog today, I promise I will bring it up to another level tomorrow when I get back to my computer(on the road).
Hope the rest of this day/night brings you the joy you need.
Keep Encouraging Others, Because You Encourage Me.

Saturday, March 26, 2016


K, coffee made* computer on* title complete*two fingers ready* brain cells--------------------------------------------------.
Sometimes it is hard to type anything. I know I killed a few brain cells over the years of drinking, but, I also know that I am continually growing new ones(I looked that up). So why can't I think to type a thought today?
Well I am going to go off the cuff today. Meaning, I may be all over the board, so to speak/type.
Here's an update to how I feel to date; pretty damn good. I am now a true believer that the exit of nicotine and alcohol in a human body has amazing results(me looking in the mirror)(age defying cream not necessary anymore). Was there a hint of bragging in any of the previous statement?
Also a food update. Out of my four main food groups(coffee, Hershey bars, graham crackers, and salted nut rolls). I have settled on the coffee and the graham crackers(just sharing).
This blog is soo boring today, even I am getting bored. So I am going to release you from your pain and suffering, by wrapping it up. Brain cells still-----------------------------------------------------
Have A Stupendous Weekend And Encourage Others.

Friday, March 25, 2016


Hold on, making another cup of coffee...............Did you get yourself one? I was buying. Hmm, used to do a lot of that before. I guess Billy Joel nailed it with his song "Big Shot".
Flip side of the coin, now for some odd reason I always have money in my billfold in the morning(well almost always, I'm not rich you know)(filing that under the category of good things). Ok, that deserves a woot woot.
Twenty-five days?? That is just crazzie, and not cheated once(oh, and I want to sometimes). I even have a hard time believing it. You don't know how important it is to me(a lot) to use you as a sounding board. And I appreciate your lending an ear everyday. And I pray our Lord in heaven will pass some good tidings your way, you deserve it(angels on earth).
With this beautiful day ahead(not a cloud in the sky), let's do this.

Thursday, March 24, 2016


Ok, we got some snow last night. Ok, 9" is more than some, but, man can I shovel(bragging again). Never felt winded once, I'm thinking a triathlon might be in the near future. Mmm, no. But, you can never set the bar too high, right?

Lately I've been thinking that I should bring some of my new followers up to date on the beginning, meaning, and purpose of this blog.
It all started towards the end of Feb. when I was evaluating my two habits(alcohol/smoking), their damage to my health and their financial cost. Reality check in a New York minute; not good at all. So I set March 1st as my first day of free and clean. And I also started this daily blog as my support/accountability to me(and I am not a commitment type person). I also wanted this to be a positive to others, that they CAN also, no matter what there battles may be. I did put all my struggles on my Lord; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
It's(blog) turning out to be a pretty good read. Its not eloquent or perfect punctuation, but it's liberating for me daily. Enjoy or not, your call. Moving henceforth..............

Wednesday, March 23, 2016


To have a 6am flight status, that translates into a 3:30am wake up call, which translates into a get up and run. This really hampers the early morning bloggers out there, meaning me(really could have used a smoke somewhere in that time frame). Then add into the mix, "please turn off all your devices", and the 2hrs ahead Central Time Zone(and we're back in Wisconsin).
Yeah; this blog is late today. But, as they say, "better late than never".
I had good sharing experience with another passenger on the flight back home. And of course some joking and laughing along with it(a microphone would have been nice). Very good medicine for all.
We just had BLT's for supper and I am ready for some tube and probably a nap(long day). Will check in tomorrow again, and I truly hope this finds you happy and healthy.
Oh, and stay off the roads if at all possible tonight(slippery).

Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Twenty two days, and you would think it would be getting easier. And your right, it is, kinda. I just don't like those recurring moments when my body wants something and its not food/drink and it instantly reminds me what it is(annoying). What? The mind never forgets? And lets not forget the one; Time Heals All. Time ain't moving fast enough, that's all I got to say. OK, I'm having a woe is me party, cause its only me fighting this battle. I am trying to remind myself of the good that is happening to me daily. And that does help.
22 days doesn't seem that long. Wait, if I look at it differently??
22days x 24hrs=(hold on, pen and paper) 528 hrs. without a cigarette or a drink. Now that's pretty cool.
Yesterday, walking into Home Depot, there was a woman waiting for her ride, smoking a cigarette and she coughed at least twice while we walked by. I knew it wasn't a cold cough, because I knew(past tense) that cough. Feeling stronger; yes I am. Time to say so long. Happy trails to you, until we meet again....

Monday, March 21, 2016


Just as the title says; a person waits 21 years to be able to drink, and then gets totally smashed in celebration of it. Where I on the other hand have been waiting for the twenty first day of sobriety to celebrate? Probably won't be inviting a lot of people(cause I know people) to a big ass party in celebration of my meager 21 days of Clean. And anyways it would probably just be my four major food groups; coffee, graham crackers, Hershey bars and salted nut rolls. Woo Hoo.
Now for the other happy note; monetary savings for three weeks. Hold On, got to get a pen and paper. No, Really. It is, are you ready for this? $539.00 give or take a dollar(lookin good). Ya, I think I'll keep doin this. Falls under the No Brainer category.
If you have a couple minutes, I got a short story that happened yesterday.
We stopped at a ice cream shop(ya I said ice cream) after eating brunch. When it was my turn to order, I decided on their banana split, not that I was that hungry but it sounded good. When I got it, I cowered it to the table so as no one would try and steal a taste. As I am digging thru the pile of sweetness I soon discovered they had forgotten the main ingredient. Now what would you think that would be? It's the first word in the title of this treat. Yup, missing in action. They apologized for the mistake and gave me a $5 credit, but I also learned my server has a history of this. Oh my, maybe its time for a sticky note.
Time to go off line, you all have the best Monday ever.

Sunday, March 20, 2016


For those of you who have been following, you know about my first social event I attended last night "The Wedding"(Coke, Coke, food, and coffee times 3). It was by far the most fun I have had since ?????. Ya it was good, very good. The support from family and friends was so surprising, unexpected and therapeutic, being that a lot of my relatives both drink and smoke. To be truthful, it hardly phased me. All praise and thanks goes to our Lord God almighty.
Something else I discovered, just because your sober, doesn't mean you can't have fun(what). I entertained and mingled just as before, and dancing? I could do 3/4 dances in a row and not be as winded as before. And they might have to replace a few boards on the dance floor before they return it (just sayin). In summary; it was good for me, and good others last night.
Well, got to go and serve the Lord, it is Sunday you know.
God bless you all.

Saturday, March 19, 2016


Yup, just as the title says, it's testing day(just how strong are you). Going to a big wedding today. Nervous? I would have to say yes. Probably not as nervous as the bride and groom, or as, someone jumping out of a plane to parachute for the first time, or appearing in front of the man/woman with the gavel in their hand; but still nervous. Being an outside setting for the event, I'm pretty sure the smoking and drinking section will be wherever you walk to/talk to(fresh air and snacks will be plentiful though).
Your prayers to the next level would be very much appreciated today. Our Lord did say that He would never give me more than I can handle(that wasn't an exact quote).
 My mission today is to share laughter with family and friends, eating good food and dancing. The latter one will be slightly different for me because I usually dance only(and I love to dance) when I've had enough to drink(alcohol). Now it's going to be accomplished with caffeine. Hopefully Holly can keep up(haha)(more caffeine).
White Wedding Fun
It's a nice day to start again
It's a nice day for a white wedding
It's a nice day to start again
Clean For The Day................ You Have A Great Too

Friday, March 18, 2016


Am I getting lazy? Is this blog getting old? Don't I want to get through this walk? I have been asking myself these questions the last few days. Only for the reason, that I'm not doing this blog thing as regular as in the beginning.
In answer to the first question, No. Me get lazy? If you know anything about me, that is not the case. I have said before that I must keep my hands and thoughts busy on other things. Well, I am nailing those two things to the point of, tired(pace this Gary). Busy, busy, busy. (quote from a Christmas cartoon).
Answer to second question? I have never been very good at commitments, too controlling. More like that free spirit thing(seventies thing, minus the la la weed)(do it in/on my time). So this blog is not getting old, I like putting my thoughts down on paper/screen. I just have to learn to stay committed.
The last question is simple/hard. Yes I want to keep trudging along daily. Simply because I don't want to ever have to start over again, and my metabolism is feeling better. But hard because I see daily the two demons being played out every single day(alcohol/smoking advertisements,  purchasing,consuming). I know, its about me(cool,I can say that).
On a brighter note, Its Friday, and I would like to give everyone that I know, the next two days off. Figure it as my gift to you, for listening. Catch you all later, ya hear?
Signing off Houston.........................

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


lesson one in blogging; internet accessibility is of great importance. Yesterday was not a good day for that, but, I was good. And that is all that matters. Thanks for your concern and patience. 
Do not tell me God and His myriads of angels do not exist, and that He doesn't care for me. For some loving reason He led me to sit down on the plane beside a passenger who has been clean from alcohol for 3 1/2 yrs. It was a God sent and a hoot(meaning sharing and laughing)(me and humor), for the 3 1/2 hours of flight. And he's (Jeff) a new blog follower. The rest of the warm, sunny, beautiful day was spent laughing, chatting with family and searching for a computer and internet to do this blog(lost sleep over this failed mission). Ugh. Great day though.
Today, is all about tweaking Q&A's new humble abode(gotta keep these hands and mind busy, you know). 
You too have a great day

Monday, March 14, 2016


Vacation for two weeks goes by like- zoom, two weeks before a wedding goes by like- holy crap. Two weeks of non smoking or drinking goes by like- molasses trying to pour in January.
But, I Made It. Should be easier now, right? Somehow I have a sixth sense saying it won't be. Keep praying, it's working.
So, an update as to how I am feeling at this point? (14 days in)
Cough? For some odd reason I no longer have that ridiculous cough; the one I labeled just a cold. 
Energy? Not as winded pulling the garbage cans back up to the house. Whitewashing, energy plus there also.
Weight? Not much change there. Surprisingly.
Monetary? Saved $126.00 from cigarettes, and alcohol $250.00
NOW that's a WOW. damn habits, crutches are expensive.
Of course there are still a lot of daily tasks that have to be performed and my mind throws in there that it also requires a cigarette to start the task (lest I forget). So maybe I should stop doing a lot of those daily tasks. HA, like that would go over like a lead balloon around here.

I have heard that in order to see more of my blog from FB, you must sign up for Google+. No, just type in in the search bar. That will take you right there and you can comment also, simple. 
Thanks Everyone, Have a Monumental Monday

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Yes, you are right, I didn't blog last night. We were watching the girls state BB championship games. Not much of an excuse(thats why we have DVRs), that being more important than my selfs health, my walk,and well being. OK, I am back and fine as wine(I mean lime), (inside joke).
Beautiful day yesterday. Made you want to go to some bar and drink a few (probably more),(a lot of people are). Thought about it while cleaning the garage(a couple times). But then I thought I would have to rationalize it some how to me, lie to everyone else, including my Lord who is helping me through this. Ugh. That didn't sound like much fun at all. So I didn't. Phew.
Finished cleaning the garage, but not without finding cigarette butts here and there. That was not an easy bump to bypass either. Phew again. Made it over and the garage looks great. Now, it is time for the boat to be finished. Gonna happen this year. Yes kids I said this Year. Focusing elsewhere.
On a follow up on missing a blog? I was thinking of doing it once a day anyways. They will be slightly longer andyou will have more time to do your stuff too (summer and all). That is it, now off to church to praise God for what He does for me.
Enjoy your long day today and keep your eye on the Prize. Byee

Saturday, March 12, 2016


How's Gary? What's wrong? What's goin on?
Ha, you thought wrong. Everything is good. My blog is a little late this morning, I know. It was a test to see if you were paying attention(good job).
Speaking of tests(daily), I am discovering that there are a lot of things a person can do that doesn't require the assistance of nicotine or alcohol. Who knew? Apparently I didn't(mind fogged).
Time to get   m o v i n,  it's gonna be a great day.
Mission? Things to do, places to be, smiles to be shared.

Friday, March 11, 2016


One good work week in the history book, and another good smokeless, spiritless week also in the history book. Pretty proud of me. Ya, I'll play that selfish card. 
I hit a couple of walls this morning (computer not responding and the truck key turned to freely which meant problem) but handled it calmly. Got the truck started by using some of my past experience and wisdom. If there's a will there's a way.
Tomorrow is going to be a very very nice day(shorts maybe in March), so garage cleaning rose to the top of the things to do list. Let's Do This....  Night All


If anything can trigger the urges, its when the computer decides to be stubborn this morning. It doesn't want to be a team player. Ugh. Doing this morning blog on a 8 inch tablet, and I guarantee you it will be shortened A LOT. 
Did anyone notice it's Feeling Free Friday. I did, but then I notice everyday lately. 
Gottago. Men At Work(rock band)

Thursday, March 10, 2016


My day started out at 3:30am, tried to go back to sleep, but that wasn't happening. So I got up at 4 bells, wasted some time with coffee and headed out to work. Finished my customers barn by 9:30am(amazed me). Got a hair cut this afternoon, to match my shaving off my goatee last week(don't resemble Pres. Lincoln no more). Talk about a cleansing, taking it to all new levels. 
John Michael Montgomery put it so well, no matter what your age;   Still Dancing
Life's a dance, you learn as you go.
Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow.
Don't worry 'bout what you don't know,
life's a dance, you learn as you go


Can't believe it has been a third of a month already. Wonder if R J Reynolds and Kessler companies are feeling the losses in revenue yet. Well they sure as hell should be, I am struggling on a day to day basis, so they should be also. And I am going to keep the pressure on.
I have got to get rolling down the highway, chasing the almighty half a dollar. Keep sharing the smiles, people really do like that.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


It was a pretty decent day. Did some driving, drank some coffee, served a customer(one a day for now), ate some snacks, drank some soda and drove back home. The last one is really strange, because going home after working hard deserves a reward of some sorts. That would be a stop at the bar. The old normal is hard to kick out of my head, and replace it with the new good normal. Baby steps. Patience. Focus.  
I do feel the healthier part, which gives me more momentum.
Time to get a good night sleep to meet day 10 head on and alert.
Good Night All


Guess what day it is? It's, get up and go to work day, without a cigarette day! Exciting. Going to take chocolate chip cookies along, and going to eat em anytime I want. Cause I'm the boss, and I can't fire me (that make any sense)? 
Today I am going for Guinniss record for the shortest blog. I think I am going to win. The only losers here are you folks, cause you will have to fill your time with something more constructive than having to read this. Don't worry, I'll be here tonight to punish you some more. 
Have a Fantastic day today. Yes, I mean it. 
The type went crazy, and is causing stress on me. So I am just going to walk away. There.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


You know? I need to jot some of the things I think about during the day on post it notes. Cause when I sit down in front of this daunting screen, my mind is blank. wth? If I could type while driving down the road,,,, oh boy, the stuff that would be found on here. Won't do that; don't worry.
I am finishing this day on a high note(um, not what you are thinking). It's a coffee,water,whole milk, sundrop, note.
It is getting easier. Really.  Thanks to all who read and pray for the success of this journey. And I hope it helps you too in some little way. 
"I'm pretty tired I think I'll go home now" thank you Forrest Gump. wished I would have used this many many times in the past. Focusing into the future now. And to all a good night


8 days?? That is just crazzzie. But I have to admit that it was the slowest week in my life. Noo, there might have been a few slower, but we won't go there today or tomorrow, well, never.
Oh, almost forgot. The numbers are in (excited), $162.00 savings for the first week. Y E A H. Times that by 4 = $648.00, now that would more than pay a truck payment and ins. I don't think this is a cart before the horse thing, but, it sure is fun thinking and wishing. Takes my mind in a different direction.
You can do this too. But you have to be ready, and you'll know that time. Rooting for you too.
Gottago. "I can't drive sixty-five"(new song)  byeee.

Monday, March 7, 2016


Woot,Woot. No failure today, even though there was temptations. Like, having a mechanical breakdown that looked at first to be Very expensive. The diagnosing stage is really the having a cig stage also (stress). Thank you Lord, it was up and running within a half an hour(with cigarettes, add 15 min.). 
I don't know if any other husbands got the memo but it was "take your wife to work day". And the bonus was, I didn't have to do all the work by myself(moral support)(happy face). She definitely deserves a $jackson$ for shopping. 
Soloing tomorrow. Can Do,Can Do.Can Do. I do not want to start this climb over again! 
Offense or Defense? Both need to be there with their A game. 
Night family and friends  


So much to say and so little time. Meaning, gotta roll on down the highway by 6 bells.
Do you believe it? Me taking one a day vitamins for the third day(hold the phone). They always turned out to be one a month.Taking a vitamin in the morning was always over shadowed by that morning cig(priorities, you know).
ok, I have got to go. End of day blog should be more interesting. Have a stupendous day, I know I will.
Cruise on down, cruise on down, the road. (name that tune)