Thursday, April 7, 2016


Ha, and you thought I was going to forget to come back. I may be a little old, but, I am producing new memory cells as I type/you read. So I have more then enough for me to remember this blog and your support(blessed).
I have been getting a little anxious inside(body/house) lately with this unforgiving winter season holding on. I just want to get back out there and service the customers(March was super). It gives me affirmation and keeps me busy. Something sitting around this house doesn't. That's when the thoughts of the old habits seem to surface more often. And eating/snacking is getting ridiculous. Not that I am gaining that much weight, but I am getting really tired of that full feeling all the time. Ugh. (Smoking would alleviate that feeling)(just saying).
But I have kept those vices in check(the Lord promised not to give me more then I can handle(temptation)(1 Corinthians 10:13)(trust and faith). Looks like I'm getting a little/lot parenthesis happy tonight. Just trying to help you understand where I'm going sometimes(outside the box). With that, its time to say adios for now. Happy trails to you, until we meet again(song).

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