Monday, March 14, 2016


Vacation for two weeks goes by like- zoom, two weeks before a wedding goes by like- holy crap. Two weeks of non smoking or drinking goes by like- molasses trying to pour in January.
But, I Made It. Should be easier now, right? Somehow I have a sixth sense saying it won't be. Keep praying, it's working.
So, an update as to how I am feeling at this point? (14 days in)
Cough? For some odd reason I no longer have that ridiculous cough; the one I labeled just a cold. 
Energy? Not as winded pulling the garbage cans back up to the house. Whitewashing, energy plus there also.
Weight? Not much change there. Surprisingly.
Monetary? Saved $126.00 from cigarettes, and alcohol $250.00
NOW that's a WOW. damn habits, crutches are expensive.
Of course there are still a lot of daily tasks that have to be performed and my mind throws in there that it also requires a cigarette to start the task (lest I forget). So maybe I should stop doing a lot of those daily tasks. HA, like that would go over like a lead balloon around here.

I have heard that in order to see more of my blog from FB, you must sign up for Google+. No, just type in in the search bar. That will take you right there and you can comment also, simple. 
Thanks Everyone, Have a Monumental Monday

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