Friday, April 1, 2016


It's here. What you ask? The month(April) that follows the long month of March(31 d a y s). I was looking forward to a shorter month, and here it is.
Soo, along with a new month, comes(you may have noticed) a new look for the blog(gotta keep things fresh).
Ok, lets get right to it. The other day I was thinking about what my past mornings were like and what it consisted of. First I would slowly get out of bed, and start thinking what I had scheduled(customers) for the day(memory default). Then get to the bathroom and grab 3to4 aspirins(headache), get dressed, stop at the kitchen and fill large coffee to go cup and run out the door(usually late)(honest speaking, probably shouldn't been behind the wheel)(Dumb). Work all day with very little, if any, to eat. So glad to be finished for the day(tired), but not to tired for a reward at a bar. What a vicious circle it was(and that probably wasn't the half of it). ugh.
Soo glad where I'm at, and glad you're here to listen. Thanks a ton, means a lot to me. 


  1. I like the new look of the blog dad. Very nice and pretty pro looking. Stay away from the blue on red or red on blue text on background. Easier to read. Oh and your image today was great. Very very cool.

  2. I like the new look of the blog dad. Very nice and pretty pro looking. Stay away from the blue on red or red on blue text on background. Easier to read. Oh and your image today was great. Very very cool.
