Friday, May 6, 2016


Well, Hello Mr. Blog. Where you been keepin yourself? What? Right here all the time? Where have I been? Oh, I've been working and trying to stay perfect like I set out to do from the beginning. Pretty high bar I set for myself. Still doing great on the cigarette thing, but the alcohol been a tad bit tougher. Still trying to improve on that mentally and physically. Maybe its all the ads about the dangers of smoking "cancer, heart, second hand smoke, early death", socially unacceptable? Yes. Scary stuff thrown out at us from all directions. Now alcohol on the other hand is socially accepted. Its what we're taught, work hard and then relax with a beer/wine/whiskey. Notice I said "a", that's the rub. Single. That is the difficult part.
So back to that perfect part. All I can say is I am trying very hard to be better, but perfect in certain areas are, Ugh. Where is all this leading? Well I have been drinking on three separate occasions. I am not proud about it, but I know it is showing improvement. It's been 67 days, so I have stayed away from the glass more than I thought I ever could. I will continue learning  how to fill the void with other things. I will always be honest on this blog, because I need that truthfulness to me and this blog.
I titled this blog, my free march on. Free is what I am striving for. That's my story and I am sticking to it (Collin Raye, Thats My Story). Only one parenthesis; that's odd. lol. Keep the faith.

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