Sunday, March 13, 2016


Yes, you are right, I didn't blog last night. We were watching the girls state BB championship games. Not much of an excuse(thats why we have DVRs), that being more important than my selfs health, my walk,and well being. OK, I am back and fine as wine(I mean lime), (inside joke).
Beautiful day yesterday. Made you want to go to some bar and drink a few (probably more),(a lot of people are). Thought about it while cleaning the garage(a couple times). But then I thought I would have to rationalize it some how to me, lie to everyone else, including my Lord who is helping me through this. Ugh. That didn't sound like much fun at all. So I didn't. Phew.
Finished cleaning the garage, but not without finding cigarette butts here and there. That was not an easy bump to bypass either. Phew again. Made it over and the garage looks great. Now, it is time for the boat to be finished. Gonna happen this year. Yes kids I said this Year. Focusing elsewhere.
On a follow up on missing a blog? I was thinking of doing it once a day anyways. They will be slightly longer andyou will have more time to do your stuff too (summer and all). That is it, now off to church to praise God for what He does for me.
Enjoy your long day today and keep your eye on the Prize. Byee

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