Monday, March 28, 2016


Twenty eight days? that's like four weeks, like one month, like one-twelfth of a year. Holy cow, pinch me. I still think of a smoke now and then, but it doesn't last but a half a minute. Now I catch my mind thinking, why can other people stop at the bar and I don't(my mind is trying to rationalize my decision). What could it hurt? Just one. Who would know? I would know, my Lord and his watchful angels would know, and you would know, because I couldn't lie to you. I immediately think about my accomplishment and my positive self, and extinguish the Devils attempt to make me fail.
It is time to update after 28 days:
-Snacks and eating are slowing, my weight, not much change there(sorry, guess I'm not going to blimp up).
-Monetary; A whopping $702.00. But of course that is without subtracting more snacks then usual.
-Sleeping; I am actually able to sleep through the whole evening, and don't get up at 3or4 am anymore. (welcomed change)
I'm starting to feel that I'm part of a drug companies research study. The difference is I'm not getting paid for it. But, I guess I am, with the daily/weekly/monthly savings. BooYah.
Stay safe all, see you soon, promise.  ;^)


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