Wednesday, March 23, 2016


To have a 6am flight status, that translates into a 3:30am wake up call, which translates into a get up and run. This really hampers the early morning bloggers out there, meaning me(really could have used a smoke somewhere in that time frame). Then add into the mix, "please turn off all your devices", and the 2hrs ahead Central Time Zone(and we're back in Wisconsin).
Yeah; this blog is late today. But, as they say, "better late than never".
I had good sharing experience with another passenger on the flight back home. And of course some joking and laughing along with it(a microphone would have been nice). Very good medicine for all.
We just had BLT's for supper and I am ready for some tube and probably a nap(long day). Will check in tomorrow again, and I truly hope this finds you happy and healthy.
Oh, and stay off the roads if at all possible tonight(slippery).

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