Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Back on track(blog schedule).
Yesterday was Monday, and also 49 days, and also 7 weeks. Which all means, time to dance and shout. Seven full weeks of focused, determined, and supported walk through this cleansing mission I set forth the beginning of March. I am more energetic and healthier, I can feel it. Booh-yah(five different spellings of this, lol).
Updates to date; Sleeping? I'm starting to let the sun get up before me. Don't know if that qualifies as a positive progression. Might have to start tweaking that one(nice though).
Eating? Pretty much holding steady on this one(snack,eat,snack,eat,and Twix and Coffee).
Weight? Still not tipping the scale at 275#. Probably not going to happen(100# less).
Monetary savings? $1,234.00 give or take a $1. And of course this figure does not reflect the Twix purchases. This is livable.
 Today is nifty fifty. Not quite as exciting as yesterday(just one more day), but it has to be counted.
Gonna shut her down for now, gotta beat the sun up this time. Four bells should do it. Keepin the Faith, you too, ok?

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