Saturday, April 2, 2016


On this abnormally cold April day(all day snow showers), it was very welcomed not having to go out in the garage and smoke while shivering. Also, watching movies there is a lot less hitting the pause button while I go out there to grab a puff. I am trying to focus on as many pluses, no matter how menial they are, to succeed.
I started a fire in the fireplace(good thing we have a fireplace,lol) tonight, and a little smoke always escapes into the house(part of the warmth). The smell seems to be more over whelming than I remember before. So tolerating smoke of any kind is a little more difficult(I think a good thing).
I thought I would tell you that there is liquor around here too, and that I don't even notice them. But, if I do, I just remind myself that it is not for me, and just go on.
I watched the movie "A Walk Among Tombstones" with Liam Neeson (very good). There were excerpts throughout, about him going to AA meetings(powerful). 
Well, it's getting really late for my bedtime. What? Unbelievable..... Hmm.

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