Tuesday, March 8, 2016


8 days?? That is just crazzzie. But I have to admit that it was the slowest week in my life. Noo, there might have been a few slower, but we won't go there today or tomorrow, well, never.
Oh, almost forgot. The numbers are in (excited), $162.00 savings for the first week. Y E A H. Times that by 4 = $648.00, now that would more than pay a truck payment and ins. I don't think this is a cart before the horse thing, but, it sure is fun thinking and wishing. Takes my mind in a different direction.
You can do this too. But you have to be ready, and you'll know that time. Rooting for you too.
Gottago. "I can't drive sixty-five"(new song)  byeee.

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