Wednesday, April 13, 2016


So how does the mind click? Well I learned it's pretty damn up to speed. Yesterday I went to return an item(grocery store) and after we went through the usual who, what, and when(oh, can't forget the where). She opened the till and handed me $7.41. My mind immediately thought, that's enough for a pack of cigarettes. What the? Noo. I moved on from that little bump in the road.
Also in the same store, I passed a young mother with three, rather busy kids. I could tell she was at that overwhelmed level. I picked up what I was after and went by them again(by the wine section). I jokingly said, kind a like the commercial on TV where the mom grabs up a bottle of wine quick. She concurred totally and rolled her eyes. Totally remember the shopping thing with our four beautiful children. It always was a happy and new adventure. lol. Why this last story? Because sharing humor(clean) soothes the heart and mind. Also, I need to put myself around alcohol and move on/away(strengthening my resilience). P.S. I lost at Scrabble tonight. #devastating/hurting

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