Wednesday, March 30, 2016


It was a good day. I stopped at my usual Shell station for fuel and, and,(no I did not buy the habit). I did share with Rick(manager) my new life without cigarettes, and he was very supportive. You see, I asked him a couple of years ago if he could get my usual brand in, and he obliged. Now I won't be buying them with my fuel purchase(money saver).
Now for a serious chat(something off my chest). I would like to set the record straight for a few out there who question my new cleaner life style. Sometimes while sharing, I get the immediate response of, "what happened, or what did you do to bring you to this point?" Rest assured, nothing happened. I just grew up a ton. So there is no juicy or gossip rich story out there, just me.
So lets just revel in the joy and the success I can bring to you each day, and I pray it helps you too. Enjoy your evening/day wherever you are. God's speed.

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