Thursday, April 28, 2016


Well so much for that every 2 day blog idea. This is another every third day blog. Whatever...... It works too. Hope this is finding you healthy and smiling(my last blog "remember").
Oh, and I was recently critiqued about my writing style(no names mentioned, to protect the innocent), I'm talking about parenthesis. That I am using too many of them. Well this is my way of separating me from the others(marching to a beat of a different drummer). Ok, move on Gary.
Today I thought I would share some interesting facts about bloggers and followers. In my two months of using this blog as my personal sounding board, I have discovered that it has some stats.
Number of views/followers: 2,758 cool.
From where on this big Earth: 10 countries (USA no. one) cool
Browsers used: Chrome 62%, IPhone browser 20% and more.
Operating systems: Android 42%, Windows 17%, IPhone 16%.
I hope and pray that someone out there is getting a positive feed from what I peck away to. This is for me(selfish), but others may borrow and run free for themselves. Thank You again for reading/listening. Gods speed.

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