Tuesday, March 8, 2016


You know? I need to jot some of the things I think about during the day on post it notes. Cause when I sit down in front of this daunting screen, my mind is blank. wth? If I could type while driving down the road,,,, oh boy, the stuff that would be found on here. Won't do that; don't worry.
I am finishing this day on a high note(um, not what you are thinking). It's a coffee,water,whole milk, sundrop, note.
It is getting easier. Really.  Thanks to all who read and pray for the success of this journey. And I hope it helps you too in some little way. 
"I'm pretty tired I think I'll go home now" thank you Forrest Gump. wished I would have used this many many times in the past. Focusing into the future now. And to all a good night

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