Saturday, April 9, 2016


Should have started this blog sooner but we were watching a movie, and I don't multi task(one thing at a time).
I have been doing some alcohol and smoking research lately(to cold to be outside). And have discovered that quitting Cold Turkey has the highest success rate, but, one size does not fit all. It worked/working for me, and that's all that matters(don't mean to sound selfish). I wish I could help so many people in their personal fights and battles, but, if I have helped just one from this blog, then its been pretty cool.
I weighed me the other day, I'm up about five pounds. Not freaking out on that change yet(ten I may)(buying new clothes cost $$).
My brain circuitry is messing up tonight, can't seem to pull anything up from the hard drive. Which is strange because with my new fresh and clean walk, my brain should be upgrading daily. I'll do some research on that next. NIGHT.


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