Sunday, May 15, 2016


Yup, that's right. I chose to hit the reset button. It has been one hell of a ride for this blog I had created for myself. The first thirty days were filled with scary and hair pulling goals of total zero "nicotine/alcohol". It went by slow, and with agonizing hurdles and challenges (but made it through). The next forty days went by at a much smoother pace. But also included my wanting some sort of pats on the back. Which I figured I could step back (old ways) a few times because I deserved it(entitlement). There, that felt better, right? Wrong. It left me feeling empty, void and a liar. Big Ugh.
I believe everyone wants to follow a hero, a winner in something, a victor. Well I ended up using my readers in the end to my self gratification. Not what I had set out to do in the beginning. Then what happened? I just got lazy, and selfish (I got this) and besides, you can't see me anyways (crash and burn).
So this is my Reset day, and Monday (tomorrow) I stand back up again and brush off the dust (a friend of mine quoted this to me today) (thanks Jeff), to start a new walk (and with our Lords angels on both my sides).
You may stand along the path to cheer me on, or you may choose not to. That is totally your choice to make. I thank you for the past and look to the future once again.
The walk this time should be a little easier, seeing I have cleared a few hurdles already, but must keep my guard up at All times (Satan is all around).
My working alone, still is going to be a very tough, daily hurdle. So I will be Gliding(video) my family more often to be accountable (they love me, and I them).

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