Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Twenty two days, and you would think it would be getting easier. And your right, it is, kinda. I just don't like those recurring moments when my body wants something and its not food/drink and it instantly reminds me what it is(annoying). What? The mind never forgets? And lets not forget the one; Time Heals All. Time ain't moving fast enough, that's all I got to say. OK, I'm having a woe is me party, cause its only me fighting this battle. I am trying to remind myself of the good that is happening to me daily. And that does help.
22 days doesn't seem that long. Wait, if I look at it differently??
22days x 24hrs=(hold on, pen and paper) 528 hrs. without a cigarette or a drink. Now that's pretty cool.
Yesterday, walking into Home Depot, there was a woman waiting for her ride, smoking a cigarette and she coughed at least twice while we walked by. I knew it wasn't a cold cough, because I knew(past tense) that cough. Feeling stronger; yes I am. Time to say so long. Happy trails to you, until we meet again....

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