Thursday, March 24, 2016


Ok, we got some snow last night. Ok, 9" is more than some, but, man can I shovel(bragging again). Never felt winded once, I'm thinking a triathlon might be in the near future. Mmm, no. But, you can never set the bar too high, right?

Lately I've been thinking that I should bring some of my new followers up to date on the beginning, meaning, and purpose of this blog.
It all started towards the end of Feb. when I was evaluating my two habits(alcohol/smoking), their damage to my health and their financial cost. Reality check in a New York minute; not good at all. So I set March 1st as my first day of free and clean. And I also started this daily blog as my support/accountability to me(and I am not a commitment type person). I also wanted this to be a positive to others, that they CAN also, no matter what there battles may be. I did put all my struggles on my Lord; I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
It's(blog) turning out to be a pretty good read. Its not eloquent or perfect punctuation, but it's liberating for me daily. Enjoy or not, your call. Moving henceforth..............

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