Monday, May 2, 2016


Nine Weeks. It's not eternity; but, certainly seems like it to me.
I had to throw this blog out there on another weekly anniversary(couples have all kinds of them, lol). Feeling good and doing projects without cigs. One especially was significant to me; Mowing the lawn today(first mow of 2016) without a cigarette. That has NEVER happened in the past, EVER. And, I didn't have to go searching for that partial pack(and lighter) of cigarettes that usually vibrated off the mower somehow. Or next mowing, chop them up. What a time saver in that alone. :)
Really beginning to like my beef sticks(various flavors) and smoked string cheese lately(new food groups). Great appetite killers.
Tonight I noticed I could pinch an inch around the old middle. Is that a sign to be alarmed? A little more work thrown towards me Lord would help. (Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find) Prayer.
I saved a few bucks over the last few weeks(nine). Umm, $1,507.00. What??? Get Out......
Well, that's all I got for now; See ya in three.....
Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da That's All Folks!
 My first car; '63 Chrysler New Yorker. 
                                     (get it? 63)

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