Friday, March 18, 2016


Am I getting lazy? Is this blog getting old? Don't I want to get through this walk? I have been asking myself these questions the last few days. Only for the reason, that I'm not doing this blog thing as regular as in the beginning.
In answer to the first question, No. Me get lazy? If you know anything about me, that is not the case. I have said before that I must keep my hands and thoughts busy on other things. Well, I am nailing those two things to the point of, tired(pace this Gary). Busy, busy, busy. (quote from a Christmas cartoon).
Answer to second question? I have never been very good at commitments, too controlling. More like that free spirit thing(seventies thing, minus the la la weed)(do it in/on my time). So this blog is not getting old, I like putting my thoughts down on paper/screen. I just have to learn to stay committed.
The last question is simple/hard. Yes I want to keep trudging along daily. Simply because I don't want to ever have to start over again, and my metabolism is feeling better. But hard because I see daily the two demons being played out every single day(alcohol/smoking advertisements,  purchasing,consuming). I know, its about me(cool,I can say that).
On a brighter note, Its Friday, and I would like to give everyone that I know, the next two days off. Figure it as my gift to you, for listening. Catch you all later, ya hear?
Signing off Houston.........................

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