Sunday, May 1, 2016


This blog is getting more difficult to write, more so, than the beginning purpose of it. Let me explain this. In the beginning I started a venture which I really didn't believe would last this long(unbeliever in myself). The elimination of cigarettes and alcohol out of my daily diet/routine was a challenge to my "mind over matter" theme I have always preached throughout my life. And to see my writings on this blog of my struggles and walls was actually pretty exciting to me(and you). But the daily struggles are getting so much easier to bypass, and I am having less and less juicy or exciting ups and downs to type about(a better man)(Clint Black). Ugh/Yeah.
It's like getting a new or new/used car. Oh, driving it, showing it off, polishing it. That feel good feeling, just sitting in it. But, time starts to erode on the feel good feeling, and soon its starting to be just a car(transportation venue).
Not to get me wrong, I am soo proud of how far I have come in 62 days and the feeling good part(body health) is continuing daily(stay tuned).
Prayer and Gods strength gives me mind over matter.

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