Saturday, March 26, 2016


K, coffee made* computer on* title complete*two fingers ready* brain cells--------------------------------------------------.
Sometimes it is hard to type anything. I know I killed a few brain cells over the years of drinking, but, I also know that I am continually growing new ones(I looked that up). So why can't I think to type a thought today?
Well I am going to go off the cuff today. Meaning, I may be all over the board, so to speak/type.
Here's an update to how I feel to date; pretty damn good. I am now a true believer that the exit of nicotine and alcohol in a human body has amazing results(me looking in the mirror)(age defying cream not necessary anymore). Was there a hint of bragging in any of the previous statement?
Also a food update. Out of my four main food groups(coffee, Hershey bars, graham crackers, and salted nut rolls). I have settled on the coffee and the graham crackers(just sharing).
This blog is soo boring today, even I am getting bored. So I am going to release you from your pain and suffering, by wrapping it up. Brain cells still-----------------------------------------------------
Have A Stupendous Weekend And Encourage Others.

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