Monday, March 21, 2016


Just as the title says; a person waits 21 years to be able to drink, and then gets totally smashed in celebration of it. Where I on the other hand have been waiting for the twenty first day of sobriety to celebrate? Probably won't be inviting a lot of people(cause I know people) to a big ass party in celebration of my meager 21 days of Clean. And anyways it would probably just be my four major food groups; coffee, graham crackers, Hershey bars and salted nut rolls. Woo Hoo.
Now for the other happy note; monetary savings for three weeks. Hold On, got to get a pen and paper. No, Really. It is, are you ready for this? $539.00 give or take a dollar(lookin good). Ya, I think I'll keep doin this. Falls under the No Brainer category.
If you have a couple minutes, I got a short story that happened yesterday.
We stopped at a ice cream shop(ya I said ice cream) after eating brunch. When it was my turn to order, I decided on their banana split, not that I was that hungry but it sounded good. When I got it, I cowered it to the table so as no one would try and steal a taste. As I am digging thru the pile of sweetness I soon discovered they had forgotten the main ingredient. Now what would you think that would be? It's the first word in the title of this treat. Yup, missing in action. They apologized for the mistake and gave me a $5 credit, but I also learned my server has a history of this. Oh my, maybe its time for a sticky note.
Time to go off line, you all have the best Monday ever.

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