Monday, May 9, 2016


Seventy days....... That is just under a 1/5th of the way through the year. Hope I am not making your year seem like it is flying by(summer's not even here yet). I really believe I can turn this march of mine around. Per se, forward(back sliding sucks). It is a daily training of my mind for the healthier choices. Don't know if you have noticed, but my humor has slacked off a bit(well I call it humor). When Holly comes along WW(just moral support), she can bring the humor back out of me, and I love that. Today, was a break down day for the business(not much humor then), but it was a very good day(back up to speed again). And didn't need any alcohol to celebrate my accomplishment(proud). Instead I made a surprise candle light(alas, the sun was still up) supper for the wife/mom/grandma of the house(excels in all those titles). Now there is a feel good moment. So do I have any stats to share?? Of course.
I still have that inch to pinch(love my snacks)(push mower might help). The Lord has thrown work my way, a Big Thank You. Forget the push lawn mower.
Monetary? Still ahead of the game at $1,567.00. Goal is to raise that next week(slippage). Stay tuned, I'm not giving in! Too much to lose, when I have gained so much. Have a Great day everyone............................

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