Friday, April 15, 2016


48 hours have past since I put my last words down on paper(not really paper). And the difference from then to now, is the weather change. When the first warm days of the spring first appear, I begin to feel anxious (earnestly desirous) to go and have some drinks and sit on the picnic table, enjoying laughs and sun(might miss something). This afternoon during my commute home, it was very difficult to keep going towards home. It was like my insides were turning inside out. I made it home(phew). So I didn't have to lie to me, God, or you(blog net). 
But I miss having fun(type A personality)(all work and no play makes me a dull boy). So maybe cabin fever fits me better(home fail safe), I don't know. 
So, this sounds like, and looks like Gary is having a pity party.
I am seriously glad I'm home in the long run. An extra prayer for me the next few sunny days would be greatly appreciated :)
Love all you readers out there. There's power in numbers, Right?  Battling daily.

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