Thursday, March 3, 2016


Today I put my big boy pants on and went through the garage a couple of times (it was still there of course) and much to my surprise. It wasn't a big deal.(that probably sounded like a scene out of horror movie). What I meant was, my smoking territory didn't rule me.
I have to apologize for not telling my followers the rules of my blog. To be honest, there's only one.
1) All positive, supportive comments may be left below, and All derogatory, demoralizing Trump like comments must be left on page 936. thank you.
In summary of today; clean is the word of the day.
As far as the alcohol thing; I am fortunate to not have drank much at home, so that is a blessing so far. 
Going to have to wrap this up tonight because that blogger block is starting to set in(its something new to me). I'll find another group online for that also. Night to all, Gary

1 comment:

  1. You can do this dad, we love you and are all here for you! Good night!
