Wednesday, March 2, 2016


K, slightly frustrated with me. Life is a continual learning experience, and that goes for beginner bloggers too. Yup, when it says that proceeding will delete, It's Deleted. My morning blog (number 4) today was pretty decent, but now its floating around in cyber space. Maybe the NSA will catch it for us. lol.
I had good success today. Great would be better but, it was not that easy. What did I eat? Just about everything except Buddy's treats (they're looking better). Maybe I should do a daily weigh in also, it couldn't be any more or less depressing.
OK, Gary, pick yourself up, there are millions of people doing and going through the same thing. All for the good of healthier bodies and life styles. Feeling- Stronger- Every- Day

See you all tomorrow, ya hear?


  1. drink lots of fluids dad. itll help you in many ways. have a good nights sleep and tomorrow itll be one more day without. That should make you feel good. xoxox love you dad

    1. Moderation at this point is now at all time new level. Lets see, what haven't I drank yet? lol
