Saturday, March 5, 2016


Pretty productive day, considering its early March. Yes, I did have to stop for gas this morning, and yes, they did sell cigarettes also. ugh. "Gary, just keep looking at the cashier and not behind him." I gave him the $$ money for the gas and coffee and said, no cigarettes either. Told him I quit on Tuesday and he said he was on his third week. Yes, someone else is doing it(momentum). I asked if it was getting easy and he answered, not much with all these cigs behind me. Laughed, and I was out of there.
I can't remember 5 days being this  s l o w. But on a positive note (and we all like positive) it will be the sixth day and more coffee. Sure hope a new study doesn't come out, stating coffee is bad for us again. 
Good night, sleep tight, and don't let the bed bugs bite. (what the hell does that really mean???) 
P.S. anyone need a wake up call at 5 bells? pm me

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