Saturday, March 5, 2016


Good Morning world! Anyone up yet? Time to make the donuts, and people need donuts with their coffee. And I believe Sat. morning is mandated specifically for bacon. Did you stay out a little late last night? tsktsk. I'll try and keep it down. haha.

Now for the, its all about me section. 
Heading out early today to make my 200 mi. round trip journey (hey that's a band) visiting some Amish to give estimates (I would rather do the work). Will be taking extra coffee along, and some chips, Hershey bars, soda, blueberry muffins, chips (can't have enough chips), and a scale (a records thing).
Will have to fuel up at some point, but I'm sure there's a gas station out there that doesn't sell cigarettes (fat chance of that happening). Soo, down there (Dalton), three stops and right back here. Sounds simple, oh boy. Going to need 15 angels to ride along. Here goes; chat later.
Oh! The bacon done....... 

Midday Update; Work for Monday thru Thursday set up, and back home. Yeah!!


  1. Good luck Gary, our prayers ride with you.

  2. Take fresh fruit or cut-up veggies for snacks. Takes longer to eat and is healthier!

  3. So, should I cut up the veggies while I'm driving? That would keep my hands busy. #coolthinkinglol
