Sunday, March 6, 2016


Holy crap, I over slept.... Woke up at 6 am instead of the abnormal 3&4 am. Does that mean my metabolism is beginning to except/understand the change? Damn, I sure hope so. 
I find myself thinking about all the celebrations coming up and of course alcohol will be part/present. And I think I won't be as fun as I used too. What e v e r, I'll just take on the new responsibility of the DD. Now that's crazzy in itself. I do not want to restart this journey, because I know I won't. So the simplest way, is to stay away, (not the celebrations of course).

It's God's day today(woot woot), so get out and go to church. You will feel better for it. Really. 
ok people, have a great stupendous day.
and don't forget that Sunday afternoon nap.


  1. These colors kinda suck....they give me a headache. Church was inspiring today. When the odds are against us, God is for us!

    1. mom thought so too. When I set it up I can't see what it is going to look like till I publish. #busyforsure

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