Friday, March 4, 2016


Good Friday Morning to all. Well, the ones who are up anyways. I am feeling good; four days? If I were a betting man(I kinda am) I would have bet against this lasting more than two. Wow, this is really happening (I need to pinch me). Time for a quick pat on the back. Sorry, had a bragging moment.
What am I going to do today (other then entertain you all)?
Short story time: I quit smoking once before(ok more than once), but I cheated a lot. I would have half cigs hiding everywhere. Felt guilty as hell, and trying to find that moment to steal a drag wasn't easy either. And I knew people knew, they could smell it. Couldn't imagine going that route today. Where with that aging memory and all (I'm sure I put it here, or). That would be a joke. lol.
Have a fantastic day everyone, Make it your own (stole that from a night time show). Do I have to footnote that to avoid any plagiarism charges?? #scary
Later Alligator.....

1 comment:

  1. When you think back to all of those other attempts at quitting you have to ask yourself "Who was I quitting for?" It was mom, maybe financially it seemed like a good idea, or maybe the "law' played a hand in it. But none of those times had what it truly takes to be successful. You have to do it for yourself. You have to feel it inside and out that this is the change you need to keep living. They always say if you quit for someone it's always doomed to fail. Being realistic about what this journey will bring day in and day out is crucial. Because when that day comes and you have a hell of a trigger and maybe no one is around you to see if you choose right or not, if you aren't doing this for you , you may not make the right choice. It's pretty hard to hide disappointments from yourself. Each day is one more success. We are all so proud of you. You made a choice and just quit. That takes guts. If anyone can do it, you can. You just need to do it for a better you. Xoxo Celeste
