Friday, March 4, 2016


What the heck? I don't want to get lazy about this life changing plan. So why did I almost forget my blog? No worries, watching a good movie "Freedomland" (Samuel L. Jackson & Julianne Moore). 
A few people have asked what made me do such a 360* in life. Of course there are plenty of reasons to go around and to numerous to list them all. Number one was selfishness, me first, and I will fix anything, anytime, but first I'll do what I want. Second was my wanting my grandchildren and family to see a real person to remember. And plus I was getting tired of seeing that billboard along the highways stating, (Never stop trying to quit). Now that was in reference to cigarettes, but I also seen it as my alcohol burden.
I remember teaching my kids about not letting work overwhelm them, by stop looking ahead to see how much they still had to do, but, look behind them to see what they had all ready accomplished.
This blog is not flowing well, but neither are my thoughts tonight. Brain cells are reorganizing.

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