Thursday, March 3, 2016


Just thought I would let you know that I am still kicking this morning, and I hope this finds you the same. 
Last nights nap, I will call it, was anything but good. Now I am not sure if men get hot flashes, but I am pretty sure if you take away a couple drugs the human body is use to, and likes. It has a reaction that resembles that as a cold front meeting a warm front. They don't like each other, hence, a Nap.

There is a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. And I ask myself, what would that be?
The cravings aren't there as bad, but the triggers (garage,food,coffee,shirt pocket, etc. etc.) continue to loom around every corner. 

I am impatiently waiting to total up the savings for the week, come next Monday. #moreincentive
Keep swinging the bat no matter how many strike balls you let go by.

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