Thursday, May 19, 2016


Four days without the "blog"? What the hey Gary. Let me explain; between driving/working/driving/working(I think you get the point) exhaustion kind of took over(nucleus of a business). A blog takes commitment just like the mission I'm on, and you have, as followers, have committed to support me. I wish I could put this out there on a more timely basis, as in the beginning, but serving customers always seems to take priority this time of year. That said, my daughter said to me, "you have to take care of you first". This being the 37th year, that is a tough one to revert to. Short story time;
I watched the Whitney Houston/Bobby Brown story Mon. night(check it out). Man, could I relate to her, as far as her controlling demons(hers being much more toxic than mine). She being the "nucleus" of her business(hers being Huge in comparison), drove her deeper and deeper into a, "I just want to be alone and away from all of it". 
I feel that way at times, and alcohol is my venue/ride. It is a destructive, mind altering "legal" drug, and it does NOT do what I designed it to do when I choose to use it. I know(experience). And add to all that, me being a people person, I seem to always have that need to have some kind of an audience to entertain. And being a stay at home kind of a guy, just does not fill that bill either/either/or. Stop whining Gary, and enjoy your freedom from your old demons. Right.
Now to get to that post title meaning. I have given myself a B+(I'm the teacher). Now I have always been a C+ kind of a guy, so at this point in my march, I'm happy. Till we meet again, I bid adieu to you. Sorry, I couldn't resist the humor.

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Yup, that's right. I chose to hit the reset button. It has been one hell of a ride for this blog I had created for myself. The first thirty days were filled with scary and hair pulling goals of total zero "nicotine/alcohol". It went by slow, and with agonizing hurdles and challenges (but made it through). The next forty days went by at a much smoother pace. But also included my wanting some sort of pats on the back. Which I figured I could step back (old ways) a few times because I deserved it(entitlement). There, that felt better, right? Wrong. It left me feeling empty, void and a liar. Big Ugh.
I believe everyone wants to follow a hero, a winner in something, a victor. Well I ended up using my readers in the end to my self gratification. Not what I had set out to do in the beginning. Then what happened? I just got lazy, and selfish (I got this) and besides, you can't see me anyways (crash and burn).
So this is my Reset day, and Monday (tomorrow) I stand back up again and brush off the dust (a friend of mine quoted this to me today) (thanks Jeff), to start a new walk (and with our Lords angels on both my sides).
You may stand along the path to cheer me on, or you may choose not to. That is totally your choice to make. I thank you for the past and look to the future once again.
The walk this time should be a little easier, seeing I have cleared a few hurdles already, but must keep my guard up at All times (Satan is all around).
My working alone, still is going to be a very tough, daily hurdle. So I will be Gliding(video) my family more often to be accountable (they love me, and I them).


Damn alcohol. And now a few cigs......update later today. :(

Monday, May 9, 2016


Seventy days....... That is just under a 1/5th of the way through the year. Hope I am not making your year seem like it is flying by(summer's not even here yet). I really believe I can turn this march of mine around. Per se, forward(back sliding sucks). It is a daily training of my mind for the healthier choices. Don't know if you have noticed, but my humor has slacked off a bit(well I call it humor). When Holly comes along WW(just moral support), she can bring the humor back out of me, and I love that. Today, was a break down day for the business(not much humor then), but it was a very good day(back up to speed again). And didn't need any alcohol to celebrate my accomplishment(proud). Instead I made a surprise candle light(alas, the sun was still up) supper for the wife/mom/grandma of the house(excels in all those titles). Now there is a feel good moment. So do I have any stats to share?? Of course.
I still have that inch to pinch(love my snacks)(push mower might help). The Lord has thrown work my way, a Big Thank You. Forget the push lawn mower.
Monetary? Still ahead of the game at $1,567.00. Goal is to raise that next week(slippage). Stay tuned, I'm not giving in! Too much to lose, when I have gained so much. Have a Great day everyone............................

Friday, May 6, 2016


Well, Hello Mr. Blog. Where you been keepin yourself? What? Right here all the time? Where have I been? Oh, I've been working and trying to stay perfect like I set out to do from the beginning. Pretty high bar I set for myself. Still doing great on the cigarette thing, but the alcohol been a tad bit tougher. Still trying to improve on that mentally and physically. Maybe its all the ads about the dangers of smoking "cancer, heart, second hand smoke, early death", socially unacceptable? Yes. Scary stuff thrown out at us from all directions. Now alcohol on the other hand is socially accepted. Its what we're taught, work hard and then relax with a beer/wine/whiskey. Notice I said "a", that's the rub. Single. That is the difficult part.
So back to that perfect part. All I can say is I am trying very hard to be better, but perfect in certain areas are, Ugh. Where is all this leading? Well I have been drinking on three separate occasions. I am not proud about it, but I know it is showing improvement. It's been 67 days, so I have stayed away from the glass more than I thought I ever could. I will continue learning  how to fill the void with other things. I will always be honest on this blog, because I need that truthfulness to me and this blog.
I titled this blog, my free march on. Free is what I am striving for. That's my story and I am sticking to it (Collin Raye, Thats My Story). Only one parenthesis; that's odd. lol. Keep the faith.

Monday, May 2, 2016


Nine Weeks. It's not eternity; but, certainly seems like it to me.
I had to throw this blog out there on another weekly anniversary(couples have all kinds of them, lol). Feeling good and doing projects without cigs. One especially was significant to me; Mowing the lawn today(first mow of 2016) without a cigarette. That has NEVER happened in the past, EVER. And, I didn't have to go searching for that partial pack(and lighter) of cigarettes that usually vibrated off the mower somehow. Or next mowing, chop them up. What a time saver in that alone. :)
Really beginning to like my beef sticks(various flavors) and smoked string cheese lately(new food groups). Great appetite killers.
Tonight I noticed I could pinch an inch around the old middle. Is that a sign to be alarmed? A little more work thrown towards me Lord would help. (Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find) Prayer.
I saved a few bucks over the last few weeks(nine). Umm, $1,507.00. What??? Get Out......
Well, that's all I got for now; See ya in three.....
Ba-da-ba-da-ba-da That's All Folks!
 My first car; '63 Chrysler New Yorker. 
                                     (get it? 63)

Sunday, May 1, 2016


This blog is getting more difficult to write, more so, than the beginning purpose of it. Let me explain this. In the beginning I started a venture which I really didn't believe would last this long(unbeliever in myself). The elimination of cigarettes and alcohol out of my daily diet/routine was a challenge to my "mind over matter" theme I have always preached throughout my life. And to see my writings on this blog of my struggles and walls was actually pretty exciting to me(and you). But the daily struggles are getting so much easier to bypass, and I am having less and less juicy or exciting ups and downs to type about(a better man)(Clint Black). Ugh/Yeah.
It's like getting a new or new/used car. Oh, driving it, showing it off, polishing it. That feel good feeling, just sitting in it. But, time starts to erode on the feel good feeling, and soon its starting to be just a car(transportation venue).
Not to get me wrong, I am soo proud of how far I have come in 62 days and the feeling good part(body health) is continuing daily(stay tuned).
Prayer and Gods strength gives me mind over matter.