Monday, February 29, 2016

Realization 2016

Well, hang on, I know I will have to. OK, here it goes, really.
On the evening of the 28th of Feb. I, out of the blue (sitting in my garage) started to crunch some numbers, and I wasn't very happy. But of course not surprised. There has been 2 addictions/crutches/diseases, that have followed me like my shadow since 1969. Kind of a sad big deal. Sorry, I'll get back to the numbers. I figured that if I go out to the bar a minimum of 11 times a month and spend a minimum of $50.00, that works out to $6,600.00 a year for alcohol and fun. OUCH. Hold the phone; I'm not done yet, nicotine has to have its numbers also. One pack of cigs a day at $7.00@ multiplied by 30 days multiplied by 12 equals (you should sit down) $2520.00 yr. WHAT? This part I didn't want to do; the adding the 2 figures together. $9120.00 holy****. that would more then make the payments on a newer truck (vision). I start MyFreeMarchOn tomorrow, and scared as hell (anyone would be). I will be blogging my march daily here. And hope I won't bore you to much, and I will be using parenthesis more then hashtags (I think they're one in the same). Old school guy. GN, GaryK
P.S. power in prayer